Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Life Changed at Summer Camp

It was 1989. I was just 8 years old but I knew I was a bad kid from lying to stealing and just being plain difficult. Just that spring, I had enjoyed Easter eggs and jelly beans in my second grade classroom while watching Peter Rabbit. I liked the fun and games of Easter time, not to mention the Easter rabbit. On Easter Sunday that year, my Sunday School teacher asked that unforgettable question: "Can someone tell me what Easter is about?" I waved my arm frantically in the air; I couldn't wait to answer. She picked me and I blurted out "It's when the Easter bunny goes around and gives people Easter eggs!" The whole class burst out laughing at me. She called on someone else who answered "Easter is when Jesus died." I remember thinking to myself 'Somebody DIED?!?!' I couldn't imagine how such a fun-filled holiday could have something to do with someone dying.

Later that Spring, I got caught stealing again. It was nothing new to my parents to get a call from the Principal's office. Once again, I came home for my punishment. But somehow, my punishment this time was different. I thought I’d get the spanking of my life but this time, my parents had mercy on me. They spared me from punishment that I knew I deserved. Crying by myself in a dark room, I remember feeling so sorry, so remorseful for what I had done. I was so truly repentant. I actually cried out to God and told Him how sorry I was and that I would never do it again. At that moment, I felt the presence of God surround me. I knew God was real.

Summer came and off we went for a week of summer camp. It was a Christian camp called River Valley Ranch in Maryland. We were so excited to be going to camp but unlike the other kids, our parents didn't arrange for all the activities that we could have participated in. So while all the other kids were out for a hay ride, I was in the cabin stealing again from my cabin mates. Everyone returned and were in dismay as one by one little girls realized they were missing things. Guilt overtook me. I even had a stolen bean bag in my hand. I remember dropping it along the wall near the door and slipping out. Some girls saw me but no one put the blame on me.

On the Thursday of camp, we gathered in the chapel like we had each night. A puppet show commenced and the performers proceeded to share the way of salvation. They explained that Jesus died for every bad thing we had ever done. I thought to myself 'I've done some bad things.' They explained that I could accept Jesus into my heart and that He would forgive me. So while every head was bowed and every eye closed, I got up to see a counselor who led me to Christ. Almost instantly the story of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis that we had watched over and over again as kids lighted my imagination and I understood! I went to my cabin and cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next day to a new life in Christ

Taiwo "tia"
(accepted Christ 1989)

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